CPIA Teramo is a Provincial Centre for Adult Education (Centro Provinciale per l’Istruzione degli Adulti – CPIA),  located in Teramo province, Abruzzo region.

CPIAs  are the public institutions that provide adult education  in Italy, together with the upper secondary schools that organise second-level courses aimed at the acquisition of the qualification of the technical, vocational and artistic upper secondary schools.

CPIAs receive public funds from the Ministry of Education: the attendance of CPIAs courses  is free for participants.

CPIAs  provide educational offer for adults and young adults (generally for people aged at least 16). They are autonomous educational institutions with specific teaching and organisation structures and are organised in territorial service networks, generally at provincial level, (with a headquarter and various providers, among which detention structures). CPIAs have as much autonomy as mainstream schools; therefore, they have their own premises (even if often shared with mainstream schools), their own staff, collegiate governing bodies and their organisation and teaching.

CPIAs offer:

-          first-level courses, aimed at obtaining a first-cycle qualification and the certification of basic competences to be acquired at the end of compulsory education in vocational and technical education;

-          literacy and Italian language courses for foreign adults, aimed at the acquisition of competences in the Italian language at least at the level A2 of CEFR.

-          short courses, generally aimed at the acquisition of linguistic and digital competences, for increasing  employability and active citizenship.

All courses provided by CPIAs have a flexible organisation, allowing for personalised study paths and the recognition of prior learning, acquired also in non-formal or informal way. Students can take, up to 20% of the total required tuition time, through distance learning.

Contact Informations
CPIA Teramo: Massimiliano Quinzi
E-Mail : cpiateramo.sojust@gmail.com