IO2- OER/Pilot Learning Curriculum for social justice focused guidance

IO2 will be developed on the basis of the competence sets identified in the profile (IO1).

The goal is to stimulate educators to acquire social justice competences in guidance. The primary focus of the training activity aimed at educators is not (not only) on the cultural dimension but on  the ability to recognize and overcome obstacles and tensions related to power and privilege issues that occur with vulnerable groups and that seriously undermine the effectiveness of the guidance process ( Vera and Speight, 2003).

IO2 consists of:

1) Learning program on social justice competences in guidance;

2) Learning material (training materials and tools);

3) Guidelines.

The learning program will be made according to the ECTS framework with a total credit value of 8 credits, differently attributed to the various learning units, for a tot. of 200 hours.


TR-Sosyal Adalet Odaklı Rehberlik İçin Pilot Öğrenme Müfredatı (IO2)

SEPilotförsök med läroplan för insatser inom vägledning med fokus på social rättvisa (IO2)

EN- Pilot learning curriculum for guidance intervention social justice-focused (IO2)

IT- Programma Pilota di apprendimento per l'orientamento permanente incentrato sulla giustizia sociale (IO2)    

LT- Į socialinį teisingumą orientuota pilotinė mokymo programa (IO2)

RO- Curriculum-pilot de învățare pentru consilierea axată pe justiție socială (IO2)

PT - Currículo piloto de aprendizagem para intervenção de orientação centrada na justiça social (IO2)